How to Release the Attachment to Your Dizzy Diagnosis
First, I have a question for you. Do you have your diagnosis on display? In your instagram bio for example.
This is something I see very often. Of course, it’s totally understandable why some people want to let others know of their diagnosis! You want to feel understood by others. However, I want you to ask yourself why you have your diagnosis on display. Is it maybe that you want sympathy or love from others? It’s of course completely normal to want these things when you feel so awful! However maybe we can get those needs met in other ways.
Labelling yourself as “chronically dizzy” or “chronically ill” means you are completely identified with it. Do you want to be that way forever? Hell no! So maybe try and take those labels out of your Instagram bio or wherever it may be. Start labelling yourself as “healing” or “recovering”.
To begin recovering, you need to start telling a new story. I know it can feel frightening to let go of your diagnosis, however it does not define you in any way! You are not chronically dizzy, you are recovering from chronic dizziness. You need to be telling the story of the life you want, not how it currently is. Even if it’s not the life you want yet, it doesn’t matter! It will be true if you continue to believe and expect it.
This is how the law of attraction works. If you are telling yourself over and over how you are a chronically sick person, the cells of your body will be constantly receiving the same message. So how can it change?
Ask yourself, are you willing to let your diagnosis go?
How do I release the identity with my condition?
By realising that you were living a wonderful life before this condition arrived. This condition is not you. It’s a part of you for now, but it’s certainly not all of you. It is essential that you begin focusing on the life you want to live rather than the current reality. As Abraham Hicks says, “reality doesn’t mean squat!”
Every time you look at yourself in the mirror, tell yourself how proud you are of yourself and how happy you are to be recovering. For now, it may be a lie but that’s okay! Eventually you will feel the power behind those words.